January 23, 2015


Russia prohibits GM crops and livestock



The Russian Government's Commission on Legislative Activities has approved a draft law which prohibits production of genetically modified plants and animals.


"The bill imposes a ban on the cultivation and breeding of genetically modified plants and animals in Russia, except for the use for expert use and scientific research," said the statement from the Government.


The Government will be entitled to prohibit the import of GMO products into Russia, including feed and raw materials for feed production, based on the results from monitoring the market.


Russian authorities have opposed GMO products for a long time. Prime minister Dmitry Medvedev previously said that Russia does not intend to bring GMO production into the local market.


However, it is rumoured that much grain in Russia is grown using GMO technology, due to the lack of state control in the country. It is said that these grains may be used for the production of compound feed by the country's biggest agriculture companies.

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