January 14, 2015


Chr. Hansen to present new research on probiotics at IPPE




New research by Chr. Hansen confirms that probiotics, or direct fed microbials (DFM), provide significant performance and economic benefits in commercial poultry production.


The studies will be presented in the scientific programme at the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE), to be held January 26-27, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia, US.


"Producers today face the challenge of meeting growing demand for affordable, high-quality poultry products, while minimising feed costs, antibiotic use and environmental impact," said David Harrington, PhD, Global Poultry Product Manager.


"To help producers meet these challenges, we regularly test our products as both alternatives and supplements to antibiotics in commercial conditions. The research we're presenting at IPPE confirms meaningful, sustainable benefits of DFM in broiler and turkey production, including higher weight gain and feed efficiency, reduced mortality and enhanced intestinal performance."


The following are titles of the abstracts to be presented and summaries of key findings:


"Performance of broiler chickens fed Bacillus subtilis in diets with reduced metabolizable energy"

A field study shows that adding GalliPro® (B. subtilis) to reduced-energy diets helps maintain broiler performance, while reducing feed costs.


"Enterococcus faecium improves broiler performance when added to drinking water"
In a controlled broiler study, adding Lactiferm® (E. faecium) to drinking water was found to boost weight gain, improve feed conversion and reduce mortality.


"Efficacy of a combination of B. subtilis and B. licheniformis on the performance of broilers under intestinal stress"
In a US necrotic enteritis challenge study, combination treatment with flavomycin and GalliPro® MS (B. subtilis + B. licheniformis) resulted in better broiler performance than either treatment alone, suggesting a synergistic effect.


"Improving turkey performance using a bacillus based feed additive"
Feeding female turkeys BioPlus® 2B (B. subtilis + B. licheniformis) resulted in a 6% performance improvement in two European field studies, as indicated by higher body weights and lower feed conversion rates.


The full abstracts are available at http://www.ippexpo.org/ipsf/


Producers and specialists are also invited to visit Chr. Hansen's booth to learn more about the studies and other benefits of DFM in commercial poultry production.

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