January 5, 2017


Jamesway supplies new Chinese hatchery




Xingwen Fengxiang, Mountain Dark-Bone Chicken Development Co., Ltd has announced a new hatchery in Sichuan Province which will use Jamesway's Chinese-produced Gold Line machines.


The operation will be designed to hatch a locally bred chicken and will include GGP Chick, GP Chick and PS Chick in its breeding chain. Jamesway was chosen from a field of four competitors because of "the quality of their machines and the depth of knowledge and experience that they bring to the project". The Jamesway single-stage machines have already made a big impact in China as they have been proven to save energy and their local production means that parts and service are easy to obtain.


Specifically, key factors in the decision to use Jamesway were the company's advanced hatch technical training sessions, convenient local service in China and the practical application of advanced hatchery experience into the design of the company's machines.
The Chinese hatchery development team was also impressed by Jamesway's single-stage machines which can do S.P.I.D.E.S. (Short Periods of Incubation During Egg Storage) storage without special equipment. Their initial project includes nine incubators and four hatchers.

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